Important Notes Structure Spreads Decks Deck Modes Reversed Cards Card Sets Journal

Structure Guide

Visual Oracle Omen may contain unlimited number of Oracles.

Each Oracle may contain unlimited number of Decks or Packs (e.g. Runes).

Oracle is a template, with a predetermined number of items, order and numbering of items (e.g. start numbering from "1" or "0") which are set once when creating an Oracle and cannot be changed later. The description of the Oracle and default names of the items of the Oracle can be changed at any time later.

For example, Tarot is an Oracle and it contains decks with a predetermined number of items and its order. However, there are decks of cards with a different order of cards. If you are a professional and want to use decks of cards as is in the original, then you need to create a unique Oracle for each type of deck. And only after this add the appropriate decks of cards to the Oracle.

For example, the following two Tarot Systems have different card orders, the letters of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet associated with each tarot card are shifted. (1) the Rider Waite Tarot System (as the most wide-known system) has the following card order starting with "0": 0 the Fool (Aleph), 1 the Magician (Beth), ..., 8 Strength, ... 11 Justice, and (2) the Kabbalistic Tarot System (also known as G.O.M. System) has the following card order starting with "1": 1 the Magician (Aleph), ..., 8 Justice, ... 11 Strength,... 21 the Fool (Shin).